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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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3-minute read

Making Writing Flow with Transitional Words and Phrases

One challenge of academic writing is making sure your essay flows from one section, paragraph, or sentence...

4-minute read

How to Write a Narrative Essay

A narrative essay is quite different to other essays you might write at school or...

3-minute read

Know Your Prepositions: “In,” “Of,” and “To”

We use prepositions to specify the relationship between two or more words in a sentence....

3-minute read

Word Choice: Between vs. Among

Usually, we deal with homophones in our Word Choice posts. But today we’re looking at two...

4-minute read

National Screenwriters Day: 5 Tips for Becoming a Screenwriter

It’s National Screenwriters Day! And with directors and actors hogging the limelight, it’s good to...

3-minute read

Preposition Tips: How to Use For and On

A common mistake we see while proofreading is incorrect use of prepositions. Although short, these words are...

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3-minute read

Grammar Tips: Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

A verb is a word that denotes an action (e.g., run, jump, kick) or state...

3-minute read

How to Cite a Website in Vancouver Referencing

Soon enough, we’ll have the internet built into our brains and we’ll be able to...

4-minute read

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Writers

Happy New Year! We hope you have big plans for 2020, including for your writing....

4-minute read

5 Tips on How to Write a Review

While there is plenty of interesting feedback online, writing a review is a skill. But...

3-minute read

Word Choice: Grizzly, Grisly or Gristly?

Things could turn “grisly” if you disturb a “grizzly,” and then you have to hope...

3-minute read

How to Cite a Journal Article in Vancouver Referencing

In most areas of study, new research is published in academic journals. As such, you...

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