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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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3-minute read

How to Cite an Image in Chicago Author–Date Referencing

How do you cite an image in an essay? This depends on a few factors!...

3-minute read

Spelling Tips: Dependent or Dependant?

Have you noticed the spellings “dependent” and “dependant” used anywhere? This might seem odd if...

3-minute read

How to Cite an Image in Chicago Footnote Referencing

Need to reference an image in an essay? Then make sure you cite it, too!...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Acclimation vs. Acclamation

It’s easy to mix up words that look similar written down, such as “acclimation” and...

2-minute read

Spelling Tips: Curb or Kerb?

The words “curb” and “kerb” sound the same. However, only “curb” is used in American...

3-minute read

How to Write a Chronological Resume or CV

A resume or CV is your first chance to make an impression when you’re applying...

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3-minute read

How to Cite a Conference Paper in Vancouver Referencing

After an academic conference, the papers delivered may be published as conference proceedings. So even...

4-minute read

The Three Types of Irony: Verbal, Situational and Dramatic

Irony is often misunderstood. And the fact there are three types doesn’t help! But it...

2-minute read

How to Cite a Newspaper Article in AMA Referencing

If you are writing about medical research, it is likely that you’ll need to be...

3-minute read

Types of Stage Play: Ten-Minute, One-Act and Full-Length Plays

Shakespeare once wrote that “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Reek vs. Wreak

Although “reek” and “wreak” sound alike, they have very different meanings, so using the wrong...

2-minute read

How to Cite an Online Video in IEEE Referencing

In this post, we are going to look at how to cite an online video...

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