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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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2-minute read

Word Choice: Exhort vs. Extort

“Exhort” and “extort” are both verbs (i.e., action words) and similarly spelled, but neither is...

3-minute read

Terrifying Tales of Terrible Terror! (4 Tips on Writing a Scary Story)

If you’re too old for trick or treating but want to have fun on Halloween,...

3-minute read

6 Essential Formatting Tips for Academic Papers

Writing a good paper is one thing; making it look professional is another thing entirely....

3-minute read

How to Use the Semicolon in Academic Writing

Today, friends and frenemies (we know you’re out there), we’re looking at the semicolon, including...

3-minute read

7 Essential Details to Include in Your Research Proposal

What’s that? You’re planning to study a PhD and you have a great idea for...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Qualitative vs. Quantitative

If you’re studying at college, you’ll hear the terms “qualitative” and “quantitative” used at some...

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4-minute read

APA Referencing – Citing a Movie or TV Show

The vast majority of citations in academic writing are for books, journals and other written...

3-minute read

Word Choice: Into vs. In To

In speech, the distinction between “into” (one word) and “in to” (two words) is pretty...

3-minute read

5 Tips on How to Write a Personal Statement for College

When applying to study at college, you might be asked to provide a personal statement....

2-minute read

Word Choice: Stationary vs. Stationery

What do you call a pencil that can’t move? Stationary stationery! If you didn’t find...

3-minute read

4 Key Facts About MLA Referencing

It’s easy to get bogged down in detail with referencing. But having a good overall...

3-minute read

Get Creative! (5 Tips for Writing Poetry and Fiction)

Here at Proofed, we tend to focus on formal and academic English. But life isn’t...

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