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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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3-minute read

Adjusting Text Alignment

Good formatting is important. After all, you need your text to be easy to read,...

3-minute read

What Is Citation Order?

Did you know that you can reference more than one source at once? This is...

3-minute read

Word Choice: Choose vs. Chose

The difference between the present and past is important. After all, you’d never get anything...

3-minute read

Formatting for Emphasis

In this post, we’ll be looking at four ways to format emphasis in Microsoft Word:...

4-minute read

Grammar Tips: Using the Present Tense

“Carpe diem” is a Latin phrase often translated as “seize the day.” It’s used to...

2-minute read

Percent, Per Cent and Percentages

We’ve been told that putting 110% into anything is mathematically impossible. But we’re proofreaders, not...

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3-minute read

Spelling Tips: 8 Words with Variant Spellings

Spelling isn’t easy. It’s bad enough we have words that sound the same but are spelled...

2-minute read

Writing Tips: How to Use Block Quotes

Quoting sources is crucial in academic writing. It shows you’ve read up on your subject....

3-minute read

Word Choice: Program vs. Programme

The Atlantic Ocean is quite big. And with such a large amount of water between...

3-minute read

Grammar Tips: Using the Past Tense

The past includes everything that has ever happened. And with every second that passes, the...

3-minute read

Grammar Tips: What Is a Sentence Fragment?

Being proofreaders, we’re keen on keeping things grammatical. As such, we feel sad when we...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Causal vs. Casual

Sometimes typos are obvious. If you write “teh” instead of “the,” for example, it’s easy...

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