Writing Tips
Spelling & Grammar


2-minute read

Should You Capitalize Months and Weekdays?

You should always capitalize months and weekdays in English grammar. This is because they are...

3-minute read

Punctuation Tips: When to Capitalize After a Semicolon

Semicolons can be tricky for most writers due to their seemingly confusing uses. Unsurprisingly, many...

4-minute read

How to Write a Prepositional Poem

Are you a prepositional poet? … And do you know it? Whether you’re a novice...

2-minute read

Fifteen Examples of Metaphors Used to Describe Yourself

In English grammar, we use several types of words as descriptors. Adjectives, adverbs, similes, and...

4-minute read

How to Humanize AI-Generated Text

The rapid advancements in AI writing tools such as Jasper and ChatGPT make it possible...

3-minute read

An Introduction to Indefinite Pronouns – With Examples

What Is an Indefinite Pronoun? We use indefinite pronouns to refer to unspecified or unidentified...

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3-minute read

Grammar Tips: Predicate Nouns

A predicate noun (also known as a predicate nominative) follows a linking verb and gives...

4-minute read

An Introduction to Reciprocal Pronouns

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence....

4-minute read

“Is”, “For” and 12 Other Commonly Confused Prepositions

A preposition is a word that indicates the relationship between a noun or pronoun and...

2-minute read

Fifteen Examples of Imperative Sentences

Imperative sentences give instructions, orders, and warnings. The basic grammatical rule for sentences is that...

3-minute read

Punctuation Tips: Using Apostrophes After Last Names

Apostrophes (’) can be confusing little things! Using them requires following several sets of rules,...

4-minute read

“Very,” “Really,” and 15 Other Commonly Confused Adverbs

Find adverbs confusing? You wouldn’t be alone if you do. Adverbs are words that modify...

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